Posted by Agnes Iley , Sunday, October 3, 2010 6:54 AM

More marks.....

Today I worked a bit more on the mark making.
It still all feels a bit random to me.... so far removed from the way I usually work.
When I design a doll for example, in my head I know exactly what the doll looks like, right down to the tiniest detail. From that finalized picture in my head, I start breaking it down and create my design.
The mark making did make me think of Picasso though, I really like "Girl before a mirror" and I think it's a great example of mark making.
Now this got me thinking…. I found a great drawing by Picasso and decided to create a little exercis of my own, trying to identify the marks he used.

2 Response to " "

Anonymous Says:

This is a fabulous blog. Your idea to make marks based on Picasso's work is very clever. You have made a good start to the course - much better than I managed - & I really like your sketchbook work.


Agnes Iley Says:

Thank you so much, Pat.
All the drawing threw me a little, but I then decided to just have fun with it!


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