Posted by Agnes Iley , Monday, November 15, 2010 9:13 AM
Stage 2 Colour perception
Blocks of colour (1)
Of course my coloured papers, that I know I have somewhere were nowhere to be found.
So while I was at the art shop I got some coloured sheets of paper too.
I made my coloured squares and will try to write down my observations here.
Green/Blue – This is to me the most harmonious combination. The blue appears a little darker but the presence of the blue square seems to mellow the very vibrant green a little.
Light blue/Blue – Both are blues, but probably as far apart as you can get within one colours range. The icy and very cold light blue against possibly the warmest blue possible. This makes the smaller blue square very dominant. The small blue square looks darker and not as vibrant, while the icy blue looks even paler and seems pushed further and further away in the background.
Yellow/Blue – The warmth and vibrancy of the yellow has a positive effect on the little blue square, for me the blue square is here at it’s best. Warm, vibrant and with a beautiful tone.
Red/Blue – Forceful red and vibrant blue are fighting here all the way. This combination immediately draws the attention, but has got a very restless and uneasy feel about it.
In this tone and vibrancy a combination that is small doses could definitely liven things up.
Pink/Blue – The blue makes the pink appear to be a warmer colour then it actually is. The blue looks to have lost a little vibrancy here.
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